Är påväg till iso omena för att träffa Leo. Efter det blir det dans. Har fotat dagens outfit men den kommer först upp på kvällen eller imorgon. Beroende hur trött jag är när jag kommer hem å så. Slänger in några random bilder, enjoy!
family comes first
Four meals dinner. Ah food orgasm... Whine, champagne, awesome food, amazing company and a cozy restaurant. Great evening.
she's a maneater
What a party. "old" new faces, new ones and old ones. I had so much fun. Right now Im sitting in the bus heading home from my dance practise. Tomorrow a new period in school starts which means for me new habits. I wont eat anything unhealthy, train much and try to be as lovely/happy as I can be.
what day is it?
Test (which may gave gone well), library, annas place and now I've been home for 3hours. All day I've been (trying) to read to my english test. Luckily I just have english and maths left.. Here's 2 pics from the weekend and the last on is a collage from today.
the photos from the photoshoot with my danceteam
Tired as hell. A fun weekend behind and still have to fo my math tasks.
doing my history essay
okay guys you have only this day left to leave some questions to the question post. I'll try to answer them tomorrow! but now I have to go. adios
Friday!!!! Finally. So Im now in the bus after running with my prestrained thigh.. And it hurts, that's what you get for starting walking too late.. Im meeting up with Freja and Milla at sökö and then Lasse is driving us to the camp. Have a nice weekend everyone!