Love it love it love it. Everything is now in english. WOHOOOOO! But we'll see how long I'll keep this design. I tend to get bored in them pretty quickly. What do you think? Was it for the better or worse?
here comes the fire
Im done reading to my history test. If I seriously fuck it up, I couldn't careless. But hey guys I updated my tumblr blog, so please pay a visit there. The adres was: !! And new blog design coming up today. And the last thing I have to tell you is that Im so desperet need of a boyfriend, hahahah. Over and done.
inga foton orkar inte bry mej
Okey, jag skriver nu på svenska eftersom jag seriöst tror att jag är hjärndöd. De bara snurrar i huvve om joner, dorer, egypten, grekland, romarna, fenicierna mm. Fast jag har 20 sidor kvar att läsa tänker jag lämna de. Får lov att klara mej med det jag läst. Imorgon tänker jag bara läsa igenom anteckingarna ja gjorde ida + dom 20 sidor jag inte nu orkar läsa, och sedan kolalr jag igenom hissa lärarens gamla prov å instuderings frågor. Om provet skiter sig så har jag iaf försökt mitt bästa. Btw fick jag 9+ av min hissa uppsats (proud girl). Noja nu far jag å kollar på TV CIAOKKELIS!
I don't wan't us to cool down
History in my ass. Hahahha. I still have like 40 pages left to read. I felt so stressed today thanks to Pate, but now Im all better. These following days I will be reading to my history test. Can you belive that the test weeks is starting on thursday? Well anyways, Im going to enjoy my break and then get back to my history book.
Hello you gorgeous people. Im almost finished with my math tasks, just one left. Im waiting for my dad to come and help me. My baby cousin was here today. He's sooooo cute. Today I had a photoshoot with my dance team. Oh my we looked sexy. Hahhahah so much fun. I'll show you the photos when I get/see them. My both thighs are fucked up so no training for me for the following weeks. FML. Serioulsy now I get injured. Argh. No can do.
Yesterday was so much fun. After being at my sisters birthday party, me and danne went to Mcdonalds. There we met some friends. My lovely best friends decided to go to HKI, but I didn't wan't to go. So I stayed there with 7 or 8 boys. Hahhahah. We laughed so much, it's crazy. Then pate and lyra started to disturb me XD. Hahha love you guys. No then we pretty much got kicked out, and I talked to Lyra and Pate. All of a sudden Lasse and Torttu (don't know his real name, awkward.. :D) came to Mcdonalds. I took a hamburger with them. Oh my, I haven't laughed this much for a long time. Todays plans are reading to my history test and doing maths. Then my sister is throwing another birthday party where me and Danne are again hosting the games and stuff. After that me and all my chicas are going over to Pandas place for dinner. LOVE THIS!
but you didn't have to stoop so low
IM READY WITH THE EASSAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a relief. But this means that I have to start reading to my tests. Yes test week coming up. Tomorrow I get to end school 1hour earlier, and then I will try to do something with my buddys or then I will come home and read for my history test and do some math tasks. I know my blog is pretty much about school, but I'll try to make it up by posting outfits and stuff. But now I have a free evening and Im going to watch TV!! Shalom
Im soo nervous. My brother is writing his chemistry finals today. It's nerv breaking. He just left for the school, and the test will take 6hours. We packed lots of food to him with my mum. I wish good luck to him and to else writing their finals today.
Taking a little break in writing my history essay. I've written like 5 sentences in what 45minutes? It's somehow hard to find facts and then write something good. I still have to write about 1-3 pages. Oh I had hairdresser today, I'll take photos for you tomorrow. Not because there's much to see. My dad is taking my phone to someone who will fix it today, so Im going to be without a phone for a while. I should get it back tomorrow evening if everything goes well. But now my break is over and I have to get back to my essay so I would finally be finished with it.
long story
New week, new moves. This week is going to be all about school, as next week and the week after that are going to be. Cause the test week starts next week. And I have alot of deadlines this week. Luckily this week means as well, hairdresser and finally starting to do some training again. My thigh feels better, I just can't go down so much but Im still going to go to the gym. Tomorrow I have an appointment to the hairdresser. FINALLY! I've waited so much for this day. I don't still know what Im going to do, but I usually decided when the hairdresser asks what I want her to do. And I've found my camera. So I'll try to take nice photos and skip my ugly photobooth photos. Im so excited for this week, don't know why. But I somehow feel it's going to be great. And also I get to see Lyra tomorrow, wuupwuup. The only bad thing is that the wound on my cheek is inflamed, it hurts and looks disgusting. Hahahhaha but luckily I don't need to see my own face all the time. Sorry for the long post guys. XO
I hate the day after. I feel so ill and Im so tired after just sleeping less than 4hours last night. Saturday wasn't my day.. I have a wound in my face and my iphone is broken. No 3G and the screen is fucked up. 21.05 Im going to sleep now.
cause maybe, your gonna be the one that saves me
It's already thursday... YEY! Tomorrow Im going to this church camp thing. Hhaha. Sounds booring, but it's usually so much fun. This week I haven't done so much. Yesterday my granny came over, we played uno cards and yatzy. Today, I've been with my chica Anna. We mostly talked and watched TV. Now I have to clean my room and pack for the camp.
In the memory of those who died. Rest in peace.
I feel so old.. I remember when I was 10, and I thought I was old back then. Well today I'll try to do some fitness cycling and some muscle training at home, even though my thigh is still hurting. But I can't stop right now, Im so close to be satisfied with my body, it just need a little more exercising. Okay alot of exercising.. Hahahhaa. But I wanna get in form, because konveten (the 1st graders welcome party) is coming up and the team is sexy sport. And right now I don't feel or look that sexy. So there's my goal right now. To get in fit for the konventen. And after that stay that way, ahahhaha. Long post sorry guys.
dream away
photo of my ugly card to my sis...
After a great weekend, Im off to my bed for the night to dream away. Tomorrow a new week starts with my lil sis' bday. She's turning 10! My little girl is growing up...
dance with your heart
After a crazy night with my friends and a terrible night filled with bad dreams, Im happy to be awake and feeling good. Today I have dance, but I don't know if I can dance because my left thigh is prestrained. So I'll maybe have to sit and watch this time. Hopefully not because I wan't to dance.
it's saturday!!!
This crazy girl is going out with her friends, and she's going to have FUN!
on the days I canät see your eyes, I don't even want to open my
Don't have anything to sya right now. It's just school, friends, homework, dance.. Nothing interesting at all. And yes I will start taking outfit photos as soon I've found my camera.. Hehhehe.
tuesday the fifth
This day really sucked. I was mad and sad all the time. Crazy huh. Well now Im home doing my history essay and then I have dance lesson. After the dance lesson I might go for a run jsut to clear my head.
welcome september
When you have fun the time flies. This weekend I decided to be with my friends, and that mission is accomplished. I've met new and old friend, and it feels awesome. Now Im going to do some maths and then just take a good night sleep.