You didn't have to stoop so low

pictures from right now
Yesterday I had school from 9:15-13:00. We just talked about how to eat well and how to feel good. Ella, Anna, Soffi and I went to a park after school ended. After a while Soffi went home, and we continued our way to MCD. Sat there for like 1 hour and then we got cold and drove to Ellas place. 18:55 me and Ella went to Bodyattack. And I just gotta say I was s tired and probably won't be able to walk to day.. Hhahhahah.
This day will pretty mych go like this: school (9:30-13:00) with just a dancelesson and slowfashion. After that home to watch some PLL before Im meeting Tiiu at Sello shopping mall. And then 20.00 I've promised Anna to come to the zumba lesson.