
Soon Im over to Nicoles place for New years eve partying with my beautiful girls! Happy new year everyone. 2012 was amazing but Im looking forward to 2013 so much.
Two days until Im home again. Two days until we will be celebrating the new year. Here's some pics from lappland.
you didn't have to make out like it never happened

On my way to the airport. Feeling a little bit ill, hopefully it will go away soon as possible. Because Im actually really excited to go skiing with my family. To take my "new" snowboard I bought last winter to the slopes. I've just used it once or twice.
merry christmas

Merry christmas to you all! A little bit late, better late than never right? Today it's all about packing for Saariselkä. We're going there with my family to ski for the holidays.
Q: ser att du fått många komplimanger, anser du själv att din engelska är bra? :)
A: alltså det här med gramatik å att skriva engelska är inte min starka sida.. Kan tala bättre än vad jag skriver. Så vad skall jag säga, ja min engelska är väll bra?
Q: känner du att bloggar används för att skapa en bild av sig själv som inte existerar?
A: hmm.. Nja jag tror det är ett sätt för människor att få skriva ner vad man tycker och känner. De flesta vill ju inte skriva negativt om sitt liv eftersom en blogg blir snabbt depressing om man skriver negativa saker. Och de flesta läsare vill läsa om hur perfekta liv bloggarna har etc.
Q: hur många gånger i veckan tränar du?
A: Beror helt på.. PÅ hösten tränade jag dans 3ggr i veckan och sedan var jag på gymmet 1-3ggr i veckan. Efter julen så blir det 4ggr i veckan dans och 1-3ggr i veckan gym. Go hard or go home.
Q: vilka tre adjektiv tror du någon som inte känner dig mer än ytligt skulle beskriva dej med? :)
A: Svår fråga.. Kanske glad, vänlig och speciell/konstig.. Hahhahah...
Q: vill du hellre ha en pojke med stora muskler och mycket fett eller en med mindre muskler men lite fett?
A: Om man har stora muskler så kan man inte har så mycket fett :o nåja men hellre kanske en med mindre muskler och lite fett!
Q: hurdan roll har du oftast i grupper?
A: goofy och den positiva
Q: hurdan var din första gång? Tihi ;)
A: Exciting och nytt, det är inte varje dag man börjar å blogga ;)
Q: tycker du att kärkeken är skrämmande? varför isåfall?
A: Jaa, den får oss att göra saker som man normalt inte skulle göra. Den kan vara ens ängel men också djävulen.
Q: bryr du dej om en pojke du är intresserad av är populär eller inte?
A: Såklart inte? :D det som får mej att bli intresserad är hurudan den är som person. Inte vilken status den har.
Q: anser du att du är smart/klok?
A: Helt normal, kanske smartare än normalet men inte någon einstain här inte.
Q: Va önskar du dig ti julklapp?
A: canon 600D, michael kors väska och spotify premium
Q: Svara ärlit om du alls trodde på att världen sku gå under 21.12.12 !
A: Kanske lite, förra vintern var jag helt i panik. Men nu var jag helt lugn å tänkte att om vi dör så har jag levt ett bra liv!
Q: Dit favorit barnprogram nä du va liten?
A: Kommer inte ihåg.. Men typ teletubbies
Q: Ditt tidigaste minne?
A: Antingen resan till grekland var jag lärde mig simma eller när jag lärde mej cykla. Var då typ 4 år, det var under samma sommar..
Q: Singel eller i ett förhållande som har jätte mycke problem men som ibland e jätte bra?
A: Hmm.. Alla förhållande har problem, och det beror helt på problemen. Men just nu är jag så kramsjuk att jag måste säga att i ett parförhållande.
Q: Midsommar eller nyår?
A: Beror var man är och med vem. Firar båda alltid med familjen, så platsen vi är på och med vem annan vi spenderar den har en sjuk stor betydelse. Om man jämnför förra nyåre och midsommaren så absolut nyåre!!
Q: rumpa/rygg/mage/snopp på en kille?
A: rumppa å mage!
Q: Kina eller Japan? du måste svara!!
A: Kina? :D
Q: mamma eller pappa?
A: båda såklart!!
Q: hm eller gina?
A: gina
Q: mikä pelottaa eniten vaihtovuodessa
A: se että en saa kavereit tai et tapaan elämäni rakkauteni siellä
Q: minne haluut opiskelemaan lukion jälkeen/mitä teet lukion jälkeen
A: Haen medii suomeen tai ruotsiin. Sit ois aikomus myös lähtee jossai vaihees jenkkeihi opiskelee!!
Q: haluutko lävistyksen
A: nope
Q: mitä vahitaisit ittesäs
A: se et mietin asioit liikaa ja sen takii teen itelleni ongelmii.. ylireagoin ja suutun helposti
Q: hannan paras puoli
A: always positive ja luotettava
Q: merin paras puoli?;););;));
A: sanot oman mielipitees ja uskallat olla oma ittes
Q: kuuro/sokea?
A: en tiiä.. en haulais olla kuuri kosk sillo en kuullis musikkii mutt en haluis olla sokee kosk en näkis kaikkee ihanaa täss maailmas..
Q: jos saisit valita vaan jomman kumman niin tanssiminen vai unelma kroppa
A: dance or die
Q: Unelma ammatti?
A: Kirurgi (kardeologi/neurologi)
Q: Millasena pidät ittees?
A: outona, hauskana, kovan työn tekevän ja chillinä
Q: Sano 4 hyvää ja 4 huonoo asiaa ittessäs?
A: +oon luotettava, jos lupaan jotain niin teen sen, osaan kuunnella muita, vahva tahto
-kärsimätön, teen kaikesta ison "jutun", otan helposti asiat itteeni, oon helposti mustasukkane
Q: Uskotsä rakkauteen ensisilmäyksel?
A: tottakai !
Q: Raha vai rakkaus?
A: molemmat, mutt love goes before anything
Q: Suklaa vai hedelmäkarkkii?
A: fazerin sininen pienissä määrin, jos haluun mässyttää nii hedelmä karat!
Q: Millane o sun unelmaloma?
A: kavereitten kanssa jossai ihanas +35 asteisessa maassa. 2 viikkoo auringon ottoo, shoppailuu ja bailailuu. Sit joku ihana matkaromanssi tai poikaystävä mukana!
Q: Jotain mitä kadut?
A: et oon valehdellu monest asiast tai jättäny kertomat
Q: Vihaatko ketään?
A: Emmä nyt vihaa ketää, mutt on henkilöitä ketä en voi sietää
Q: Jos saisit 3 toivomusta, mitä toivoisit?
A: 1. Onnistunut vuos in the States 2. Poikaystävän 3. Et voisin ikuisesti olla nuori
It's crazy how strong a memory can be. Im about to spend christmas home, on the actual day. I haven't done that for several years. I remember all the christmases for the past like 5-6 years.. It's both relaxing and stressing to be home during christmas. It some how feels like I don't know what to do during christmas at home.
Abroad it's always the same. You wake up happy that it is christmas, you go tanning for the whole day. Around 4-5 o'clock you go to a massage and after that to get your self ready for the evening. The evening consists of buffet dinner, lots of programs, dancing, fireworks and a drunk santa claus. You have your toes in the sand and you run in the warm ocean. Shorts with a nice top or a short dress.. It some hows feels more like christmas to me than being home surrounded by snow.
I guess is just how you're just to things. I know this is going to sound like Im a spoiled kid, but I've got used to feeling sand between my toes during christmas, not snow and cold weather.. I'll guess that's one of the reasons I don't like typical finnish christmas food or get that christmas feeling like everybody does. Bc I get it from sand and a tropic island.
But that's not what I was even supposed to talk about. Hahhahaha. I remember last christmas break so well. The journey to thailand, the almost 2 weeks we spend at Koh Lipe and the days we spend in Bangkok. I don't remember the last time I would have been that happy. I miss it so much. I didn't realize it before I listened to give me love by Ed Sheeran and started looking through the photos we took. I can still feel the light breeze through my hair, the feeling seeing that really hot guy in our hotel, the massage womans that always massaged us, the funny waitresses in our hotels restaurant that always messed up our orders, when I fainted and the christmas and new years party..
I remember the joy rush I got when we arrived to the island and the feeling of a broken heart when we left. I think I shed a few tears because I didn't want to return home. I wanted to stay at a place where everything was/is so easy. To come back to reality were everything fucks up, you get disappointed in people, you trust the wrong ones and everything is just so difficult.
I guess Im scared that I won't get that break that I need from this reality. And Im scared that I won't enjoy christmas at home... It just doesn't feel right to be here during the holiday. It doesn't feel like home right now. But this christmas is all about being with the family bc next year Im not here with them. So I guess it will turn out to be okay. Even though I would like to celebrate it some where else. But you can't always get what you want, and the most important thing is with who you are. The people you celebrate it with, will make it memorable. Enjoy christmas every time because it could be the last one you celebrate, or the last someone else celebrates. Share love and be honest. That's whats christmas is all about.
I'll be the light to guide you

The concert was AWESOME!!!!! Danced the hole time and almost cried cause the music made me feel alive and the feeling was so great. Today bc I have the flu I've been powerless and just been watching like 20 episodes of gg. And now I've watched them all.... Omg I love Blair&Chuck as a couple. Adorable! This weekend is going to be about getting this flu away and spending time with my family. And oh remember to ask questions!!

WOHOOOOOO! Soon Im off to SWEDISH HOUSE MAFIA !!!!!!!!!!!!! Im right now at Ellas place, and soon her mum is driving us plus anna&soffi to hartwall arena. LOVE IT!!

Yesterday i colored and cut my hair. Here's the result. So much shorter.....

Okay in luck of inspiration Im going to have a question time. You all know how it works, so start asking and I'll answer them later on the week.
house of queens

Hade super roligt igår! Först hade jag dans uppvisning med mina underbara team mates och sedan bars det av till konventen. AWESOME! Men idag så får ligga som man bäddat... Skall ta och dra å räkna matta med Hanna (eller hon skall räkna och jag sova(hon har omtent imorgon och jag har lovat att hjälpa)) och sedan blir det vappis med tjejerna för världens bästa Danne har födis idag! GRATTIS GUMMAN!!!!!!!!!!
me and becci

I haven't got new inspiration, but Im totally bored so I thought that I could write something. I've been on a sucky mood all day, except the part when I met my bestie. Highlight of the day. I also watched a weird movie with my parents. It was good but some how so it made me feel bad and got me depressed. I can link the trailer another day. Im so nervous for tomorrow. I have my dance performance and then it's time for konventen. Our schools welcome party for the 1st graders. Awesome. But now I have to go to sleep so I have lots of energy tomorrow. Kisses
Movies, homework and training. That's what my last two days have been all about. Nothing interesting to write about, and no photos to share. Sorry huns. I'll be back soon with photos and inspiration. Sooner or later, I'll guess it will be sooner. Hahhaha. Can't live without my blog. But we'll see.
Yesterday I was babysitting these two kids. A six years old girl and a 8 years old boy. But the special thing was that this boy was autistic. Which meant that he was living in his on world, didn't talk and stuff like that. Luckily for me his autism wasn't that bad so he reacted when I spoke to him and he nod and shook his head as an answer.
It really got me thinking. Im so lucky that Im healthy, and that my everybody in my family is too. I know it doesn't mean that he isn't healthy and stuff. What I mean is that it's hard for both his family and for him self. Or I don't know, maybe he is happy just the way he is. Because he doesn't know better. He's happy in his own world. But for his family I guess it's hard. It may be hard to understand why he does things the way he does, and what's the problem when he gets hysterical. It's hard to find nannys who connect with the him and doesn't get scared. But it also very giving I think. You get a new perspective of life. Or for me one night with him changed mine.
He was all the time so happy. Happy reading one of his book, happy swinging in the swing... I guess I wish I would be that happy. He was so lovable. When I hugged him good night he did this weird happy sound and looked at me in the eye. It felt like he would have been totally normal and nothing would be wrong. He was so kind, happy and had so much love to share.
I know there is nothing wrong with these kind of disabilities. But I wish they didn't exist. I don't know if people who have this disability are happier than we are, but it feels wrong that they won't live as long as we do and that they always will need help to do something. He isn't the first autistic child I met, but he is the one who made me think. And I wish him all the best, and I look forward babysitting him again!
all I want for christmas is you

Nothing interesting has happened these last days. Yesterday I met Lyra, we sat in a cafe and just talked. It was so nice to talk to her, because we haven't talked for a while. Anyways this weekend is all about chilling and gathering powers for next weekend. Next weekend is going to blow. I have dance performance and then konventen. Can't wait. Todays plans are working out and the baby sitting. Have a fun saturday people!
dance until you die
Those bodys and how they dance.. I wouldn't mind having their bodys and their dance skills. Just trained our headtop serie and it's so difficult but I did some how nail it twice. So proud. But I have to keep practising it. With these words Im going to eat lunch with my family and then go to my dance lesson.
finlands independence day

Baking gingerbreads with my family and listening to christmas music. Ah.. Love these days. Later on if have dance practise.
2 latest ig pics

Okay here's a little story about how stupid I am. I put my iphone to load 18.20 so it defenetly would not die while exercising. I was suppoused to take a bus 19.02 to the gym, but 5minutes earilier I look at my phone and it hasn't load a procent. So then I check the cable and plug wasn't even in the wall.. So now I have to take a later bus. Fuck.
Like everybody else I exercise to get my dream body. I do also exercise because I wan't to be healthy and feel good about my self. But it so much more than just going to gym and eating healthy. It's a life style.
Right now I have this what I called healthy-period. It's a period were I train insane and eat healthy. My mission is to loose little bit weight and get fitter. I wan't to be the girl everybody talks about. Not like OMG did you hear what she did.. Blablabla. I wan't people to be like look at her! She's lost weight and she's so fit. I would like to have her body and stuff like that. Few days ago I found a photo which said: I wan't my boyfriends friends to be jealous of him. And there was a girl with a lovely fit belly. I wan't to be that girl. Not that I have a boyfriend or anything, hhahahhaha..
I've been exercising and eating healthy for 3 weeks now, and I can see some changes. They aren't that big, but you do see them if you know how I looked before. I've been exercising for 4-6 times a week and eating healthy all the time. No cheating. When Im satisfied with my body I will upload some before and after photos too inspire people who are going through the same thing as Im going through. And no, Im not saying that everyone should loose weight and get thin and fit. I just wan't everybody to be happy and comfortable with them selfs.
I've suffered every week of muscle soreness, sometimes worse sometimes easier pain. But I've learned to appreciate the pain. It means that I've done something right and that my muscles are getting fitter. I love to drive my self to the point where I don't even know how Im going to walk to the bus station.
As I already told I want to loose weight. But that's still not the most important thing. I want to look fit. I want and Im going to get that thigh gap, a flat belly and fit arms. Im just going to get them. I don't care for how long it will take, I won't stop until I have them. For so long I've been uncomfortable with my body and not liked to show my self in shorts and bikinis. Even though I've always have had an normal weight and looked normal. And I just decided that Im not going to look at my self being miserable with my self. Next summer I want to be happy about how I look. I want to, want to put bikinis and shorts on.
Im doing this just for me. Im doing it for the wow, confidence and for a happier me.
i hear your heart beat

I've decided to write in english again. Hahhahah. Don't know why but it feels more natural to write in english. Im going to do some post in swedish (when ever I feel like it) but for now it's going to be english. I've given my blog a lot of thought, and I've also decided that Im going to write about different stuff. Last may I wrote about what you're going to regret on your death bed and I just read again. So from here on Im going to write about different things once or twice a month. i'll do it because I like writing and I need to improve my english and writing skills. Today Im doing the first one. So stay tuned for it.
monday inspiration

Craving for a tattoo, converse with studs, cozy evenings with magazines.
I wanna feel you warmth

Hade helt super bra dans träningar, men kände mej jätte svag under hela tiden. Nu när jag har varit hemma har jag fryst, haft jätte hård huvudvärk och fortsatt att känna mej svag. Hoppas jag inte håller på att bli sjuk. Skall kolla på lite serier och senare skall jag äta ordentlig sunday dinner som mamma&pappa kokkar tillsammans. Det blir ankka och hjort. Nomnom.

Här är två bilder som min syster to gpå mig igår. Vi fotade bilder till min dans lags julkalender. Den kan ni följa igenom att like Hous3 Of Qu33nz på facebook. Men nu skall jag ta å äta och sticka till träningarna.
if you wanna take a ride
Hade en super rolig kväll igår! Älskar att jag kan vara mej skälv med alla i vår skola. Me gusta. Det blev mycket dansande, prat och skratt. Tog bussen med Nicole hem och var hemma lite över ett. Idag firar vi Nicos å Ellas födis med släktkalas. Och dit kommer hela min dag att fara. Puss på er